Gay characters in IF
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Monica K
2021-11-13 22:02:51 UTC
Holy shit. 1997 lgbtq rep in media discourse, things never change. I am making a text based adventure game in 2021 because of my love for zork and games like it! I think we have come a long way with gay/trans rep in media, but there are still ways to improve. Neil K from Tela Computer Consulting & Design, I love to play that game you were making!!!!
Adam Thornton
2021-11-15 04:51:20 UTC
I don't think you will ever see this but this post made my entire
month!!! I would have loved to play your game, dude. I tried your Tela
email but it seems nothing works. I don't expect you to see this, but
it doesn't hurt to try.
I don't like to blow my own horn...

Well, who am I kidding? If I had ever been flexible enough to blow my
own horn, I totally would have been enthusiastic about it.

Anyway, "Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country" certainly has some
stuff to say about same-sex relationships, although I will admit that
these days its treatment of trans issues is...rudimentary at best.

I could have done a lot worse, back in the day.

Andrew Plotkin
2021-11-15 15:56:14 UTC
If my game in progress ever gets finished, I guess I'll find out. :)
There are elements to it, particularly critical plot elements revolving
around the protagonist and a same-sex relationship, that will undoubtedly
offend bigots.
However, I'm not the least bit concerned if bigots don't like my game. In
fact, I'd be quite pleased if they don't. A game that delights bigots is
not likely to be a game that I want to write.
- Neil K.
I don't think you will ever see this but this post made my entire
month!!! I would have loved to play your game, dude.
My usual rule is to not post here any more, but I think it's worth
doing it this once:

The game referred to here is _The Lost Spellmaker_. You can
play it here: https://ifdb.org/viewgame?id=m7bgf8mop636i32o

Got 8th place (out of 34) in the 1997 IFComp.

"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."