Making my collection available for everyone
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Peter Pears
2014-11-05 10:48:30 UTC
I guess it doesn't do me much good to obsessively collect every new piece of IF if I keep it to myself and don't use it in some way. So I checked out Google Drive, plus a program to keep folders synched (many thanks for your help. Vaporware!), and, well, here it is.


Be sure to read the readme. Basically, this is a copy of my own collection, the way I organise it. Hopefully it'll be a reasonably-reliable backup for many games, and hopefully it'll be as complete as possible. It's not all sorted yet; the "Pending Games" folder is a repository for games I've yet to play and cathegorise. It's a slow process.

If you find that I've forgotten to take out any commercial game at all, or any commercial emulator, PLEASE tell me and I'll remove it at ONCE.

Now, short of posting this link in a bunch of places, I'm not sure where it would really belong. I'd like it to be proeminently available. I'd like for people to be able to say "Hey, guys, where I can find this game?" "Well, you can look in IFDB, the ifarchive or in this guy's Google Drive collection". I'm not quite sure how that would work. If anyone has any idea where the link could be posted for this to happen, I'd be grateful.

Peter Pears
2015-04-26 17:17:25 UTC
Update: the link above is no longer valid as I've hit the 15Gb limit for GoogleDrive. I've switched over to MEGA now. Takes longer to load the first time, but once it's loaded it's actually faster and easier to use.

Peter Piers
2015-12-30 22:24:37 UTC
My collection is offline.

I would like to announce that someone has decided to inform MEGA that my collection was infringing copyright. MEGA has promptly removed the whole lot.

Just so y'all know. I'll keep my stuff to myself from now on. The amount of resistance I got on this - exclusively from IntFiction, come to think of it - and now this aggravation, it really isn't worth it. It was my way of giving something back to the community. I made sure to remove games whose authors asked me to (only one, to date). If some people are really that concerned, well. I've better things to do with my time.

Thanks for the support - those of you who did support it and found it useful. I think there's more of you than there were of the other people, but you know, the other people were loudest.
2017-05-16 21:58:33 UTC
That's a great shame.

To put it bluntly what a bunch of pathetic w*nkers! Why would someone within the community itself object? Bizarre.

If you still have this collection please I would be interested in housing a copy on my GoogleDrive.