Anchorhead SE: Dead in the Water?
(too old to reply)
2009-06-11 00:04:38 UTC
What's happened to Anchorhead SE? I know that Mike abandoned it
"temporarily" (so I understood) to write for Textfyre but now his SE
page is gone as well.

Anyone know more about this?
2009-06-11 13:50:04 UTC
Post by Al
What's happened to Anchorhead SE? I know that Mike abandoned it
"temporarily" (so I understood)  to write for Textfyre but now his SE
page is gone as well.
Anyone know  more about this?
It's not so much about whether Anchorhead Special Edition is "dead" or
"alive" or "shambling along in a hideous, animated state." What it is,
is that I have been trying to avoid the habit of publically announcing
or talking about projects before they're done.

Because historically, every time I've tried to publically predict how
long something will take to finish and release, I've been drastically,
embarassingly wrong. I took down the webpage for similar reasons. When
a "coming soon" teaser starts approaching its 3rd birthday, it's time
to reevaluate.

The current state of Anchorhead SE is best described as in progress. I
am still very interested in finishing it, but I have to give priority
to projects that are 1) paid and/or 2) most creatively energizing at
the moment.

For the curious, here is a list list of current projects that I
consider "in progress" -- that is, they have moved beyond the phase of
vague notes, and there is actual working code on the page. I make no
promises or predictions about when I'll finish.

1. Anchorhead SE.
2. The Lost Islands of Alabaz, a fantasy game for children. Some
setting info (the textual equivalent of "concept art") may be found at
3. "the farm," a short game that I wrote for last year's comp but
didn't finish. I'd like to enter it into this year's comp, but the
game needs a serious technical and conceptual overhaul, so I don't
4. The Secret Letter, which is technically finished as far as writing,
and which goes on sale on the 26th. That's a paid gig and a business
venture moreover, so I won't have anything to say about it until well
after the dust has settled.
Captain Mikee
2009-06-11 18:06:10 UTC
Good timing! I just played Anchorhead for the first time - completed
it yesterday! Lots of people have written reviews already, but I'd
like to comment. I'll try to keep it brief:

Wow, this game has depth! At the beginning of the game I was thinking
"hmm... lots of liquids and containers - there must be some puzzles
with that." But no, this is just a richly implemented world. I'm a
sort of halfway-Lovecraft fan and I recognized a lot of references,
but I'm never quite comfortable with the gore and the violence. This
is a game that makes you feel _bad_ sometimes! I think it's
appropriate to the genre, but I have three little girls of my own and
that made the game all the more disturbing. I hope you'll take that as
a compliment.

Anchorhead was really satisfying to play, and I never got painfully
stuck until the last section. The writing is incredible and for the
most part it handles the subject with maturity - more maturity,
perhaps, than Howard Philip himself would have. The story has great
direction and pacing.

I really liked the characters, especially the bum. However, towards
the end, some of the more involved interactions seemed strained.

I had so much sympathy for the monster that I had to resort to hints
to figure out how to deal with him. Maybe it was me - there were
enough hints in the story, but I just couldn't think of him as an
enemy. Especially after the shopkeeper's comment "It's not his fault."
The second obstacle to guessing the solution was that I thought he was
too powerful to confront directly. After the fact, however, the
correct solution seemed merciful.

Michael's dialogue at the end sounded awkward to me. Everything was so
vivid and original up to that point that he seemed to turn into a
comic book villain during the last couple encounters. It was not how I
imagined a four-hundred-year-old small-town maniac would talk.

While we're on spoilers, I want to mention a couple bugs and confusing
sections. The box of newspaper clippings was implemented enough that I
thought there must be a puzzle built around carrying the clippings
around outdoors in the wind. But it was not implemented quite enough
to prevent some weird bugs. Even after the clippings are gone, it
still appears in room descriptions as a "box of newspaper clippings,"
and I believe if you drop the clippings on the floor on purpose, you
can't put them back in.

The other difficult section, and I think others might have commented
on this, is the church stairwell. The first time all my stuff fell
down the stairwell, I restored the game and put it down in the church
basement. Argh! Next, I walked around to the sewer and left my lantern
down there so I'd have a light source, thinking that the lantern would
break if I dropped it and not realizing I could just blow it out to
put it in my pocket. When I jumped onto the stairs, I was given a list
of things that fell into the stairwell, including the lantern! I
failed to guess that the "stairwell" or "stairway" or "stairs" could
only be referred to as the "shaft," so I thought dropping things into
it was not an implemented solution and you were supposed to leave your
trenchcoat behind. So I went down the rope in the dark wearing the
robe. I tried to jump off the rope but it wouldn't let me do it in the
dark. I tried "let go of rope" and got the response "dropped." but I
did not fall into the sewer!

In hindsight, I think the church scene is wonderfully elegant, but I
wish I'd had more clues that I didn't need to work so hard.

I hope I'm not completely duplicating other bug reports, and I'm sure
Anchorhead SE will not have any bugs in common, but just in case, I'm
reporting here what I discovered.
Vivienne Dunstan
2009-06-12 13:26:03 UTC
Thanks for the update Mike. I've delayed playing the old version of
Anchorhead because a Special Edition was in the works. I'm not in a
hurry to play it even now - other things on - so can wait for a bit yet.
But I might give up and play the original after all :)

Viv Dunstan
2009-06-12 21:03:24 UTC
Post by mikegentry
Post by Al
What's happened to Anchorhead SE? I know that Mike abandoned it
"temporarily" (so I understood) to write for Textfyre but now his SE
page is gone as well.
Anyone know more about this?
It's not so much about whether Anchorhead Special Edition is "dead" or
"alive" or "shambling along in a hideous, animated state." What it is,
is that I have been trying to avoid the habit of publically announcing
or talking about projects before they're done.
yes, I too have a problem with WIPs... :P
a game sig: http://tinyurl.com/d3rxz9
2014-04-20 04:55:37 UTC
I have a question.

The clippings in the box found in the basement of the house... how do I stop reading them? I've tried everything I can think of, but once I start reading those clippings, it's impossible for me to exit out of reading them. All I can do is go back and forth from the individual articles and the listing of the articles.
Peter Pears
2014-04-20 08:43:44 UTC
Try pressing either ESCAPE or Q.
