Help with Guardians of Infinity
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Zack Kline
2008-04-16 18:14:35 UTC
I've begun trying to play an old game by Paragon Software, called
Guardians of Infinity To Save Kennedy. It's not really conventional
IF, but I saw a review of it in SPAG and so I thought someone here
would perhaps be able to help with it.
My issue is that I'm not sure how to start, really. Dealing with vast
amounts of information isn't exactly my forte: I know I need to do
things like get money and somehow find credentials, but beyond that
I'm not sure whom to see first out of the hundred or so possibilities
I have to pick from.
I have searched for walkthroughs and hints for this game mostly
without success. I'm sure if I get a nudge in the right direction
I'll be able to progress somewhat, but getting that initial push is
the trouble. It seems I've got my work cut out for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
2008-04-17 01:02:02 UTC
Post by Zack Kline
I've begun trying to play an old game by Paragon Software, called
Guardians of Infinity To Save Kennedy. It's not really conventional
IF, but I saw a review of it in SPAG and so I thought someone here
would perhaps be able to help with it.
My issue is that I'm not sure how to start, really. Dealing with vast
amounts of information isn't exactly my forte: I know I need to do
things like get money and somehow find credentials, but beyond that
I'm not sure whom to see first out of the hundred or so possibilities
I have to pick from.
I have searched for walkthroughs and hints for this game mostly
without success. I'm sure if I get a nudge in the right direction
I'll be able to progress somewhat, but getting that initial push is
the trouble. It seems I've got my work cut out for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to send yours agents to investigate various location and
meets different peoples. Guess you need manual for game (it contains
schedules and addresses) . You can get it here http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=480
Zack Kline
2008-04-17 01:21:19 UTC
Post by Zer
Post by Zack Kline
I've begun trying to play an old game by Paragon Software, called
Guardians of Infinity To Save Kennedy. It's not really conventional
IF, but I saw a review of it in SPAG and so I thought someone here
would perhaps be able to help with it.
My issue is that I'm not sure how to start, really. Dealing with vast
amounts of information isn't exactly my forte: I know I need to do
things like get money and somehow find credentials, but beyond that
I'm not sure whom to see first out of the hundred or so possibilities
I have to pick from.
I have searched for walkthroughs and hints for this game mostly
without success. I'm sure if I get a nudge in the right direction
I'll be able to progress somewhat, but getting that initial push is
the trouble. It seems I've got my work cut out for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to send yours agents to investigate various location and
meets different peoples. Guess you need manual for game (it contains
schedules and addresses) . You can get it here http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=480
I actually already got the manual. The part I'm having a bit of
trouble with is figuring out whom to meet, I suppose. There are a
bunch of choices.
Thanks for the link though.
2015-09-27 21:49:53 UTC
Did you ever figure out what to do? I read the manual, but I can't figure out how to answer the comm. I use ctrl and a to wait and then the command line shows and double sided vertical arrow on two command lines in a row. The comm shows "Steel Calling" but I can't figure out how to answer it.
2015-09-27 21:52:26 UTC
Did you ever figure out what to do? I read the manual, but I can't figure out how to answer the comm. I use ctrl and a to wait and then the command line shows and double sided vertical arrow on two command lines in a row. The comm shows "Steel Calling" but I can't figure out how to answer it.