[ANN] Slack community for interactive fiction
(too old to reply)
Marisa Giancarla
2017-03-07 17:32:29 UTC
To join the interactive fiction slack team go to http://pocketifiction.xyz:3000 and enter your email address and you will get a join request. See you there!
2017-05-16 22:10:41 UTC
Great idea - it's a little slow in there at the moment although I'm totally behind what you're trying to do.

Playing devils advocate do you think we may be better focusing on this forum? Or, dare I say it, on Facebook?
Kerr Mudd-John
2017-05-17 08:02:02 UTC
Post by HappyMacXL
Great idea - it's a little slow in there at the moment although I'm
totally behind what you're trying to do.
Playing devils advocate do you think we may be better focusing on this
forum? Or, dare I say it, on Facebook?
Dear HappyMacXL you fail to quote, so we can't see the question your
replying to. You're posting through GG, so you've probably no idea how old
the post is. And how inactive this group is.
Bah, and indeed, Humbug
2017-05-17 09:05:13 UTC
Hello Kerr,
There isn't a 'quote' button that I can see; although I'm browsing on my phone so perhaps I don't have the full options.
Yes I can see how inactive it is, do you have any thoughts on why? Preference on other sites & groups? Decline in interest in subject matter?
John W Kennedy
2017-05-17 18:02:52 UTC
Post by HappyMacXL
Hello Kerr,
There isn't a 'quote' button that I can see; although I'm browsing on my phone so perhaps I don't have the full options.
Yes I can see how inactive it is, do you have any thoughts on why? Preference on other sites & groups? Decline in interest in subject matter?
Some years ago, there was a massive DDOS attack on Internet News. At
roughly the same time, a number of politicians were claiming that News
was used mainly to distribute kiddy porn. A number of ISPs stopped
carrying it, and, while this was going on, Facebook arrived. I don’t
know of any newsgroup that is carrying even 1% of the traffic it used to.
John W. Kennedy
"The blind rulers of Logres
Nourished the land on a fallacy of rational virtue."
-- Charles Williams. "Taliessin through Logres: Prelude"
2017-08-11 15:56:46 UTC
Post by Kerr Mudd-John
Post by HappyMacXL
Great idea - it's a little slow in there at the moment although I'm
totally behind what you're trying to do.
Playing devils advocate do you think we may be better focusing on
this forum? Or, dare I say it, on Facebook?
Dear HappyMacXL you fail to quote, so we can't see the question your
replying to. You're posting through GG, so you've probably no idea how
old the post is. And how inactive this group is.
Seems that HappyMacXL was replying to article
Juli Smithy Taffybucks
2017-08-17 22:16:14 UTC
Post by Marisa Giancarla
To join the interactive fiction slack team go to http://pocketifiction.xyz:3000 and enter your email address and you will get a join request. See you there!
What does the "xyz" extension indicate?
John W Kennedy
2017-08-18 16:29:02 UTC
Post by Juli Smithy Taffybucks
Post by Marisa Giancarla
To join the interactive fiction slack team go to http://pocketifiction.xyz:3000 and enter your email address and you will get a join request. See you there!
What does the "xyz" extension indicate?
"Miscellaneous". Welcome to the wild-west-web.
John W. Kennedy
"The blind rulers of Logres
Nourished the land on a fallacy of rational virtue."
-- Charles Williams. "Taliessin through Logres: Prelude"