On Tue, 22 Jun 2021 12:46:57 -0700 (PDT)
Post by Roger DurrantAcheton is quite large, and I'm told Hezarin was even larger, but I
never got anywhere in it and it's now probably lost forever.
The original might be, but the Topologika version lives on GMD.
-- Gunther
-- http://fourcoffees.com
My two suggestions (if indeed anyone from way back when still reads this) would be Mike Arnautov's 770 point version of Colossal Cave which has 475 locations and almost every object and even meta object is examinable. The second would be the old mainframe game Warp which is now playable on an HP 3000 emulator thanks to Dan Hallock and is set in a seaside resort with hundreds of locations and a lot of ASCII coding as well. It is one of only three games I can think of that has an adult magazine in it as well (discounting The Guardian). You can also Take Nothing in one particular location and wear it to solve a puzzle although you may well be arrested by the Warp Constabulary.
While discussing records can I claim the longest interregnum between answers on an IF forum? No I thought not.
Roger Durrant
No man is an island? What about the Isle of Man?
By cheating; I can give
with it's excessive number of "rooms"
Bah, and indeed Humbug.