IF on Andrioid?
(too old to reply)
2012-11-14 07:35:38 UTC
Hey there everyone

A newbie to the gerne here. While I grabbed several titles for my PC (like Baron and Lost Pig), I was wondering, is there any way to get the .z8 files to open up/run on Android - anyone heard of an app for that?
I'd love to play mobile.

Thanks in advance
2012-11-14 15:30:03 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hey there everyone
A newbie to the gerne here. While I grabbed several titles for my PC (like Baron and Lost Pig), I was wondering, is there any way to get the .z8 files to open up/run on Android - anyone heard of an app for that?
I'd love to play mobile.
Thanks in advance
Twisty is what you want:
2012-11-14 15:40:55 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hey there everyone
A newbie to the gerne here. While I grabbed several titles for my PC (like Baron and Lost Pig), I was wondering, is there any way to get the .z8 files to open up/run on Android - anyone heard of an app for that?
I'd love to play mobile.
Thanks in advance
ZMPP is another option: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.boxofrats.zmpp4droid&hl=en
David Griffith
2012-11-15 03:35:24 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Hey there everyone
A newbie to the gerne here. While I grabbed several titles for my PC (like Baron and Lost Pig), I was wondering, is there any way to get the .z8 files to open up/run on Android - anyone heard of an app for that?
I'd love to play mobile.
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
David Griffith
***@acm.org <--- Put my last name where it belongs
2012-11-15 19:13:05 UTC
Post by David Griffith
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
Looks like it's been tried a few times already:

John W Kennedy
2012-11-15 21:01:00 UTC
Post by rpresser
Post by David Griffith
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
Speaking of Frotz, it might be time to approach Apple again about
downloading z-code and glulx games. They seem now to have accepted
downloading pseudo-apps for virtual machines in at least one case.
John W Kennedy
"When a man contemplates forcing his own convictions down another man's
throat, he is contemplating both an unchristian act and an act of
treason to the United States."
-- Joy Davidman, "Smoke on the Mountain"
Andrew Plotkin
2012-11-15 22:28:32 UTC
Post by John W Kennedy
Post by rpresser
Post by David Griffith
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
Speaking of Frotz, it might be time to approach Apple again about
downloading z-code and glulx games. They seem now to have accepted
downloading pseudo-apps for virtual machines in at least one case.
What case?

"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."
John W Kennedy
2012-11-15 22:50:47 UTC
Post by Andrew Plotkin
Post by John W Kennedy
Post by rpresser
Post by David Griffith
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
Speaking of Frotz, it might be time to approach Apple again about
downloading z-code and glulx games. They seem now to have accepted
downloading pseudo-apps for virtual machines in at least one case.
What case?
Something rejoicing in the name of YAPP.
John W Kennedy
"When a man contemplates forcing his own convictions down another man's
throat, he is contemplating both an unchristian act and an act of
treason to the United States."
-- Joy Davidman, "Smoke on the Mountain"
Andrew Plotkin
2012-11-16 00:28:22 UTC
Post by John W Kennedy
Post by Andrew Plotkin
Post by John W Kennedy
Post by rpresser
Post by David Griffith
I'm starting to look into porting Frotz to Android.
Speaking of Frotz, it might be time to approach Apple again about
downloading z-code and glulx games. They seem now to have accepted
downloading pseudo-apps for virtual machines in at least one case.
What case?
Something rejoicing in the name of YAPP.

It looks, on the surface, like the downloadable app-oids of this thing
are built on HTML/Javascript. If so, it wouldn't be a change in
Apple's policy; they've always accepted that.

"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."
Eli the Bearded
2012-11-16 00:59:35 UTC
Post by Andrew Plotkin
Post by John W Kennedy
Something rejoicing in the name of YAPP.
It looks, on the surface, like the downloadable app-oids of this thing
are built on HTML/Javascript. If so, it wouldn't be a change in
Apple's policy; they've always accepted that.
So port Frotz to Javascript and ...

and I'll get my hat and go
Jerome West
2012-11-16 19:27:47 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Andrew Plotkin
It looks, on the surface, like the downloadable app-oids of this thing
are built on HTML/Javascript. If so, it wouldn't be a change in
Apple's policy; they've always accepted that.
So port Frotz to Javascript and ...
Or just JSONify the Z-code / Glulx files, and extract them on the device.
Andrew Plotkin
2012-11-16 20:04:35 UTC
Post by Jerome West
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Andrew Plotkin
It looks, on the surface, like the downloadable app-oids of this thing
are built on HTML/Javascript. If so, it wouldn't be a change in
Apple's policy; they've always accepted that.
So port Frotz to Javascript and ...
An iOS app based on Parchment/Glulx is possible, but I don't think it
would perform very well compared to native Frotz/Glulx. You're welcome
to try it, though.
Post by Jerome West
Or just JSONify the Z-code / Glulx files, and extract them on the device.
That would still be against Apple's policy, as I read it. You're welcome
to try it, though.

"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."
Eli the Bearded
2012-11-16 22:50:20 UTC
Post by Andrew Plotkin
Post by Jerome West
Post by Eli the Bearded
So port Frotz to Javascript and ...
An iOS app based on Parchment/Glulx is possible, but I don't think it
I was being facetious, and the line below my name (removed in follow up)
was intended to make that clear. Apple's rules on apps rub me the wrong
way and I own no iOS devices.
Post by Andrew Plotkin
Post by Jerome West
Or just JSONify the Z-code / Glulx files, and extract them on the device.
That would still be against Apple's policy, as I read it. You're welcome
to try it, though.
Text adventures on a device with no physical keyboard strikes me as a bad
idea. But hey, maybe. I used to play the rogue-like Moria on a Palm Pilot
VIIx (and thus use the stylus to enter vi movement commands...).

hasn't bought anything from Apple since before the switch to powerPC
John W Kennedy
2012-11-17 04:02:07 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Text adventures on a device with no physical keyboard strikes me as a bad
Well, a stock Apple Bluetooth keyboard can be used, if it comes to that.
John W Kennedy
"...if you had to fall in love with someone who was evil, I can see why
it was her."
-- "Alias"
Adam Thornton
2012-11-17 00:37:42 UTC
Post by Jerome West
Post by Eli the Bearded
So port Frotz to Javascript and ...
Or just JSONify the Z-code / Glulx files, and extract them on the device.
It does seem like it shouldn't be too hard to shim a JSidefier into
Frotz. And there's *already* a tool to do the JS-encoding for the
z*/gulx files (for Parchment/Quixe)...so just make it able to run
either, build a tiny little web service that provides a front-end to
ifarchive and jsifies any z*/glulx you ask for, and Bob's your uncle.
