(Yet another) Anchorhead hint request... I left the broom in the church cellar. Can I get back in?
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Amelia Rigby-Jones
2014-05-30 09:18:01 UTC
I carried that broom around with me everywhere. (Don't laugh, I felt safer carrying it-- however strange a professor's wife looks walking around town with a broomstick). That was until I had to jump for the stairs in the church cellar, at which point I sadly and reluctantly dropped it. That thing felt like a friend. I didn't realise that anything I dropped as I jumped would be there to collect later.

Now I'm standing on top of the machinery block in the mill and oh, if I only had a broom to poke that button which my umbrella just can't reach!

Can I get back into that cellar? Is the shiny new padlock unlockable?

I don't want any spoilers or outright instructions... a "yes" or "no" would be good enough, though if the answer is "yes", I wouldn't mind perhaps a very subtle hint!

Thank you so much!
Peter Pears
2014-05-31 08:14:24 UTC
Post by Amelia Rigby-Jones
I carried that broom around with me everywhere. (Don't laugh, I felt safer carrying it-- however strange a professor's wife looks walking around town with a broomstick). That was until I had to jump for the stairs in the church cellar, at which point I sadly and reluctantly dropped it. That thing felt like a friend. I didn't realise that anything I dropped as I jumped would be there to collect later.
Now I'm standing on top of the machinery block in the mill and oh, if I only had a broom to poke that button which my umbrella just can't reach!
Can I get back into that cellar? Is the shiny new padlock unlockable?
I don't want any spoilers or outright instructions... a "yes" or "no" would be good enough, though if the answer is "yes", I wouldn't mind perhaps a very subtle hint!
Thank you so much!
A quick peek at the walkthrough enables me to help you here. The answer is "yes".

The hint is... well, not much of a hint, really, because if I give you a subtle one you'll be going around in circles.

The broom+button would allow you to bypass the maze. Since you left the broom behind, you have to navigate it. Be prepared to save/restore and UNDO a lot.
Peter Pears
2014-06-23 13:15:39 UTC
Post by Peter Pears
A quick peek at the walkthrough enables me to help you here. The answer is "yes".
What on earth what I thinking?! I meant to say the answer is "no".

Somehow I read your "unlockable" as "unbreakable". Argh. Hope I didn't make you run around in circles. The answer is no: you can't get back into the cellar, the padlock is not unlockable.